Thursday, January 26, 2012

Thoughts from the Weight Room

As most of you know, I work at the weight room on campus. I basically get paid to sit at a desk and goof around for a few hours. I'm here just in case someone gets hurt, weights break, or something like that. That never really happens, so I stay at my desk for a good chunk of time. I feel like sharing my thoughts as I sit in this green chair of despair. Here goes:

-There are a lot of people that come in and don't do anything. How about you guys go home? I can't hear my music.
-I know weights are heavy, but there's not much need to drop them from above your head.
-If you want to bring crazy, heavy metal, scream-o or vulgar rap, why can't you just use your headphones? Not everyone wants to hear your crappy music, especially me.
-People watch interesting things while they workout. Is Rachel Ray motivational or something?
-Cheerleaders are loud, especially in an enclosed room that echoes.
-You won't build much muscle or burn calories if you do one set, then sit around for five minutes. Pick up the pace a bit, Paco.
-Is it really that hard to rack your weights?!?! This bugs me the most. Almost every person that works out in here will leave their weights when they're done. Drives me nuts!!! It's like anything else. If you use it, PUT IT AWAY!!!

Have a wonderful Thursday evening, everyone!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Who are these people?

College is coming to an end and everyone is looking for new places to start their life. As most of you know, Molly and I will be moving out to Kentucky for three years for Molly to study at Asbury Seminary.

My roommates are all getting away, too. Chad is looking to move to Florida to be close to his girlfriend, Katie, and to start looking for a job. He really has no idea what he wants to do. Lucas just got accepted to Yale for grad school. He was pretty pumped when he read that email. Zach applied to Wichita State for P.A. school and hasn't heard anything from them yet, but he'll be doing some great things.

Krista, a great friend from PT, is now in Madrid, Spain to study abroad for a few months. She'll be learning so much about the language and culture over there and will have a great time.

It's weird to think that my friends are all moving to far away places for a higher education or to start working. I never thought I would be moving to Kentucky for three years. I never thought Lucas would get accepted into Yale (not saying he's not smart enough. It's just Yale). We're all getting ready to start a new journey in our lives.

God has blessed us with amazing friends and wonderful gifts. He has a plan for every single one of us and is leading us to places way beyond our own plan. I'm very excited to be moving somewhere new and just as excited for all my friends moving to new places, too. It will be weird not seeing everybody near as much, but it's so cool seeing God use us to further His kingdom.