Thursday, September 24, 2009

Crank Up the Tunes!!!

Have you ever thought about how often you listen to music? If you haven't, just think about it real quick. When you drive in the car, do you turn on the radio or put in a CD? Do you listen to music while you sleep? Maybe you listen to pump up music while you workout or before a game. Or sometimes you just feel like listening to music because....well, you like music. I tell you what, I listen to music ALL the time. I have music going when I workout, when I sleep, when I shower, when I'm chillin in my room, when I get in the car. Basically, I listen to music as often as I can and I download music like crazy. Could be the reason I have over 2,000 songs on my iPod (Yes Dad, that IS a lot of music).

Now think about this. What if there was absolutely NO music in the world. Kinda hard to imagine, isnt' it? How different do you think it would be? Hmmm. Well let's see. We would not have anymore worship in church, bands would have to find new careers, there wouldn't be background music to Monday Night Football. WOAH!!! I don't wanna think about that! I have a feeling some people would go crazy without music (me included).

Here's a challenge for ya. See if you can go one whole day without any music. Turn off the radio, mute the TV when songs start playing, just completely go without a song. Impossible? Maybe. But I think it could be interesting to try it out. Let me know how it goes for ya if you try it.

Monday, September 14, 2009

JUST some random stuff

Ok, well I felt like blogging but there were a few things I was thinking about so here goes:

  • Today, I started offseason training for track. I will be lifting Monday-Thursday with 6:30 lifting on Mondays and Wednesdays. Wonderful. As if 8 o'clock class wasn't bad enough
  • Football season is officially underway!!! I have a feeling this could be an exciting year. K-State will probably be about last in the Big XII North but college football is still fun
  • I have done more reading in the past couple days than I have in the last couple years!!! Go me!!!
  • Another niece or nephew is on the way!!! Will Todd and Melissa keep the Just tradition of all boys or will they get the little baby girl like Eric and Andrea? I'm interested to find out :)
  • Adrian Peterson and Drew Brees are seriously some major studs. Brees threw for 6 TD's and Peterson completely threw a guy off him!!! Awesome!!!!
  • Wednesday is free movie night!!!! Whoop whoop!!!
  • The church plant that Molly has been working at, Epic Church, launched yesterday and it went great!!! Pray for them as they continue to grow and develop.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Well everybody, yesterday was another milestone marker for me and my girlfriend, Molly. We have now been dating for one month! WOOHOO!!!! Now, you might be thinking to yourself "What did you guys do to celebrate?" To answer your question, we BOTH forgot about it! To make this even funnier, we were together all day!!! I had stayed at her house on Sunday night and we left for college yesterday afternoon. You would think one of us remember, huh? Well, we didn't. Lucky for us, we went on a date last week so we'll just say that the date was an early one month anniversary celebration. Anyway, here's to a happy one month! You're the best Molly!!!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

As You Wish

Today, as I get back into my room after a day of classes, I realize that I have a really strong urge to watch The Princess Bride. I go to the library and luckily it's still available for check out. I excitedly grab it and prance back to the room (I didn't literally prance, but in my mind I was imagining myself doing so). I'm actually still watching the movie right now, and it's still one of my all time favorites.

So what is it about The Princess Bride that makes it so great? Let's take a look, shall we?

  • An amazing combo of a romance, action, and comedy movie. I can watch it with my family, friends, and even my girlfriend!
  • The characters in the movie fit their parts perfectly! I couldn't replace them with anybody
  • Such a quotable movie
"No more rhyming, I mean it!"
"Anybody want a peanut?"

"Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die"



"Bow to the Queen of Slime, the Queen of Filth, the Queen of Putrescence. Boo. Boo. Rubbish. Filth. Slime. Muck. Boo. Boo. Boo."

"Mawiage. Mawiage is what bwings us"

  • Movie that can be watched over and over. I never get tired of watching it
So there you have it. One of the all time greats...The Princess Bride. I need some popcorn now!