Thursday, July 29, 2010

Can I come back?

My last day of summer program at PT has ended. Wednesday was my last day as an intern at Casa Linda United Methodist Church. I have had such a wonderful experience with Project Transformation. I have grown so much in my emotional and spiritual attitude. I have loved working with all of these interns and will miss them deeply. At this point, I can't fathom going back to college or working anywhere else because PT has become such a natural lifestyle for me. I feel so comfortable at PT and know that I could do it for the rest of my life! Unfortunately, Americorps decided to shut us down at two terms. Grrrrrr!!!!!

Entering into my last day, I knew that it was going to be a little bit of mixed feelings for me. Last summer I worked with the Elementary so I knew most of the kids downstairs. As for this year, I'm working with the youth. At the end of the summer, there is a week long event called Urban Camp where all the youth are invited to join us for one last hoorah! Knowing this, I wasn't really that sad for the day because I knew I would see most of my youth the following week. Nothing really hit me until it was about time to leave and I saw my Elementary. So many had heads down, eyes full of tears. As we released them one last time, I got so many goodbye hugs but probably got the biggest hugs ever from some of my younger girls, Paola and Salem, two of the cutest girls at Casa Linda! Each gave me a huge hug and started sobbing like crazy. All I could do was hold them and tell them how much I was going to miss them. After each had their turn, they waited outside for their parents. All I could then think of was "What am I going to do without them?"

As I then started to clean up one last time, I started to reflect. I know that I have made my impact on my Casa Linda kids. I feel that the kids got to know me as a very positive, friendly, and goofy role model. I love my kids to death and wish the best for them. I know that I can't come back and work with them so I have to do what I have been told. I must understand that the seed has been planted and I must move on with my life and let that seed grow. It's going to be very hard for me to not be able to come back next summer, but I trust that the next interns will take great care of my kids. I will continue to pray for my kids and for the future interns. May God bless them all in their paths ahead!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Turning Point

Hard to say we're already done with PT! But alas, it is true, PT is now officially halfway over. We received our second paycheck yesterday and we are getting ready to start our three day weekend! Goodness, it seems like just yesterday I started program. Time certainly is flying!

So I'm reflecting back on my first half and this is what I'm coming up with:

1) Youth can definitely be a handful! I forgot how immature, rude, cocky, uncaring, and ridiculous they can be!!! Kinda makes me wonder how bad I was in junior high haha. Even though the youth are incredibly different than elementary kids, they are definitely a challenge. I enjoy this challenge with these kids. Every day they teach me something new. I've built some strong relationships with some of them already and there are still a select few that I really want to reach the inside of. I will say this though, pray for these kids. I was told of a problem one of our youth is having in their personal life and I'm really hoping that they can turn that around. We're trying very hard to reach them and be very caring and positive. Unfortunately, we can only get the youth through the day then they're back home where the problems probably originated. So keep them in your prayers...specifically for guidance.

2) My team is a lot different than last year. Last year we probably had about the closest thing to a perfect team I could have imagined. This summer, my team seems to be a little more diverse with attitudes and morals. I love my team to death, but I must admit, I'm struggling to stay patient and calm, especially during meetings. I don't want any kind of drama, so I'm working really hard not to let my emotions get to me. I would also ask for prayer for me though. I'm having another great experience and I want to make sure to avoid conflict at all cost.

So those are my two main concerns with the summer. I'm having a great time and pray that the rest of the summer goes smooth and steady! Before I know it, I'll be headed back to Kansas! Crazy, huh?

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Project Transformation...Round 2!!!

That's right, I'm back in the big state of Texas again for the summer doing Project Transformation. I couldn't resist coming back for a second round! Last year, when I was down here in Dallas and Molly was up in Kansas doing her internship with Epic Church, it was pretty tough not being able to see her at all. I had told myself that if I was going to return to PT, I wanted to bring Molly along with me. So once it was time to start searching for summer jobs, I started talking about PT A LOT!!! She kept telling me, "O, we'll see" but that wasn't good enough for me! I stayed persistent with it and soon was able to convince her to apply! It was an even greater feeling when I heard her say "Yes, I'd love to accept the position!" on her phone interview! (I was eavesdropping in her living room while she was in her bedroom haha). So Molly is here too and having a great experience with her kids. It's nice to be able to take a walk after we're done for the day and share stories.

Ok, ok, before I start getting all mushy gushy talking about my wonderful girlfriend, I'll get back to my experience this year. I am back at Casa Linda for the summer (woohoo!!!!), but THIS time, I'm working with the youth! I know what you're thinking...Kyle will be needing a lot of prayer this summer. And you're right haha. Working with the youth is quite a bit different than the elementary. They're in that weird stage between kids and young adults and they don't really know what they're maturity level is. I can answer that....NONE!!!! Our kids are great, but good grief they need to learn how to behave...and listen...and follow directions...and keep their hands to themselves....ummm, I'll stop there. Anyway, it's a real challenge this year especially since I'm the only returning intern at my site, besides my site coordinator, Sheena.

I'll definitely take that prayer anytime. These kids will definitely be trying my patience throughout the summer and I'm really going to have to stay in control. God gave my the strength last summer with the elementary, so I'm counting on the same for this summer with the youth!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

When was the last time I blogged?

Once again, I catch myself not blogging for quite a while. It's not because of business or anything, more that I kinda forget I have a blog haha. Well anyway, let's recap what's been going on lately.

I just finished my sophomore year at Southwestern a couple weeks ago. It's crazy to think that I've already spend two years at that place. And now I'm halfway done? No way! Is it possible to stay at college for the rest of my life? Hmmm, let me know if there's a way. I'm still on the route to be a PE teacher and that's going really well. I'm enjoying my classes and feel that I'm in the area I should be in. I love working with kids and feel that God has blessed me with that.

I'm now at "home", whatever that is, in Mulvane. Kinda stinks for me considering I know absolutely NOBODY in Mulvane besides Mom and Dad and all my friends are either in Leoti or busy somewhere else. This leaves me alone in this cruel, dark world full of pain and misery. Haha just kidding, it's not that bad. I normally find something to do to pass my time, like go on a walk with the parents, which is what I did tonight.

On the 28th, Molly, her best friend, Trista and I will be heading down to Dallas for Project Transformation. I did this last summer and absolutely loved it! When I got back, I talked it up pretty big to Molly and somehow persuaded her to apply. She then mentioned it to Trista and she also applied pretty quick. I'm really excited for this summer and I know that God is going to do some amazing things in our lives!

I'll try to do a better job of posting more frequently, but no guarentees. Until next time, this message was brought to you by Kyle Incorporated.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Catching up

I realized that haven't posted anything for quite a while, so I thought I'd give you all the scoop on what's been going on lately.

Over the break, I spent some time at home with the parents. It was really weird spending a break in Mulvane instead of Leoti. I know a total of about 3 people in Mulvane. Sooooo, not exactly very exciting for me. I did help Mom decorate and make some Christmas cookies as well! That was fun. Our family then celebrated Christmas on the 26th. Eric's family almost wasn't able to make it because of the weather but luckily they were still able to come down. We had a great day full of eating, opening gifts, eating, hanging out, and some more eating. Seems like that's what we do when we get together haha. The day after we celebrated Christmas, I went to Chrysalis. It had been so long since I had gone and this was a perfect time for me to go again. I was able to catch up with some friends and have a great spiritual weekend. After Chrysalis was over, I was able to go home to my beautiful girlfriend, Molly, and my good friend, Lauren! I was so excited to see each of them! We hung out that night and then the next day, we headed out for Branson, Missouri, where Lauren, Molly, Jessica, Chad, and I stayed in a couple of condo's of Jessica's parents. We had a great time hanging out, visiting the Titanic museum, playing mini golf, and playing games. What a great time with friends! We then came back to Kansas and Molly and I went to Christmas on the Just side. We had a great time there with the family. We then headed back to Mulvane that night and the next day, Molly and I went on to Holcomb to stay at her place. I was originally only going to stay a couple days but ended up staying longer because of the weather...lucky me, huh? ;) We were able to just relax, watch her brother and sister play basketball, and we even went and saw The Blind Side. What a great movie! When the week was over, Molly and I drove back to Mulvane so I could pack up for college, then headed back to Winfield to move back in. What a busy Christmas break! It was such a blast though.

Now, there is a little change in my life. I decided to change my major to physical education. I struggled with my math class and it just wasn't happening. So here I am, going to be a gym teacher now! Those kids better watch out for Mr. Just!