Wednesday, June 3, 2009


Ok, so I'm barely halfway through the our first week and I'm already pretty exhausted. We have been doing a lot of training, which consists of starting our day at 7:15 a.m. and listening to different people talk about what we are going to need to know for PT. So far we have gone over situations with the kids, first aid, child abuse, CPR, and even thank you letter training(I thought that one was funny). We have had a lot of fun and I am learning quite a bit but I must admit, I'm not exactly that awake when I wake up before 9 a.m. I'm trying hard to stay awake, but it's not really the easiest task when I can't really move around or anything. O well, this week is almost over and then the real fun begins! So just pray for me to be able to stay awake and get through the week with the knowledge I need for the rest of the summer.

On a side note, in case you were wondering, I AM going to bed at a decent time every night, probably around 11. So no Dad, it's not because I'm going to bed super late or anything.


  1. How did you know I was going to ask what time you were going to bed? How about coffee in the morning?

  2. Haha well I'm JUST good like that. But no, I will not resort to drinking coffee in the morning. I will not give in!
