Wednesday, October 28, 2009

How bout that prayer room?

A while back, Molly and Jessica found a little purple book of prayer in a little chapel in our library saying that the little chapel room should be a prayer room. Today, that little chapel is in the transformation of becoming a prayer room! The girls went and talked to a few people on campus, thinking that it would be hard work to get the prayer room approved. However, after a few hours of talking to our campus minister and the person in charge of the library, they had the permission to create a prayer room! Crazy how fast it was approved. So after the approval was made, we decided that the prayer room needed a little sprucing up. It had some water damage to the walls and was ridiculously dusty. So one afternoon, we decided to round up our cleaning supplies and get to work. After two hours of scrubbing, mopping, swiffering, and barely being able to breathe, the prayer room was looking, and smelling, like a hundred bucks (I can't say a million because we could only clean the walls to a certain point). We are now in search of some decorations and furnishing for the room. We have asked churches if they are willing to donate some things and so far things are looking great! Hopefully we can get the stuff in soon so we can have our finished product before our big event. On November 22nd, we will be having an event of 40 continuous hours of prayer. We are hoping that this will kick off our season of prayer and grab some people's attention. God has been working on our campus so much this year, and this is adding to the fun! Please pray for us as we continue to prepare the room and get ready for our season of prayer. Go God!!!

Here are a couple of pictures. The first is the water damage on the walls. The second is Molly and Jessica preparing to fight the room's evil.

1 comment:

  1. YAY!!! So excited for the things that God is going to do in that room!
