Thursday, July 1, 2010

Turning Point

Hard to say we're already done with PT! But alas, it is true, PT is now officially halfway over. We received our second paycheck yesterday and we are getting ready to start our three day weekend! Goodness, it seems like just yesterday I started program. Time certainly is flying!

So I'm reflecting back on my first half and this is what I'm coming up with:

1) Youth can definitely be a handful! I forgot how immature, rude, cocky, uncaring, and ridiculous they can be!!! Kinda makes me wonder how bad I was in junior high haha. Even though the youth are incredibly different than elementary kids, they are definitely a challenge. I enjoy this challenge with these kids. Every day they teach me something new. I've built some strong relationships with some of them already and there are still a select few that I really want to reach the inside of. I will say this though, pray for these kids. I was told of a problem one of our youth is having in their personal life and I'm really hoping that they can turn that around. We're trying very hard to reach them and be very caring and positive. Unfortunately, we can only get the youth through the day then they're back home where the problems probably originated. So keep them in your prayers...specifically for guidance.

2) My team is a lot different than last year. Last year we probably had about the closest thing to a perfect team I could have imagined. This summer, my team seems to be a little more diverse with attitudes and morals. I love my team to death, but I must admit, I'm struggling to stay patient and calm, especially during meetings. I don't want any kind of drama, so I'm working really hard not to let my emotions get to me. I would also ask for prayer for me though. I'm having another great experience and I want to make sure to avoid conflict at all cost.

So those are my two main concerns with the summer. I'm having a great time and pray that the rest of the summer goes smooth and steady! Before I know it, I'll be headed back to Kansas! Crazy, huh?

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