Monday, November 28, 2011

Through My Eyes (Part 2)

This week I read for more than 90 minutes. I was on a plane headed back from the cruise and decided to keep reading. I won't cover it all, just because I read quite a bit, but I'll cover what I remember.

Tim Tebow grew up with 2 brothers and 2 sisters. For so long, he became very competitive with his brothers. They would play a lot of football, having one be the quarterback, one be the wide receiver, and one be the defender. They kept score based on scores and stops. This was how Tebow started to acquire that competitive nature that he is well known for.

Injuries were always a part of the game. One of the brothers, Peter, seemed to be injured the most. They would do a tackling drill in their room downstairs and on multiple occasions, there were bloody noses and bruises. Another time, the boys decided to play baseball with a basketball. Well, with on one swing, the bat ricocheted off of the basketball and right into Peter's face. Injuries just became part of the game for them.

Tebow's mom really wanted the kids to be homeschooled for a while. She felt like this would be a good chance for her and her husband to teach the kids manners and the value to life. So for a few years, the kids stayed at home to be taught by their mom. It was great for Tebow, because he was able to plan his workouts around his school work. His mom knew that the kids wanted to get out and play or workout, so those were the breaks that she gave them.

Tebow realized through his workouts that he had become significantly stronger. He was able to keep up with his brothers in workouts and he even won a bicep curl competition. Things were looking good for the youngest male Tebow.

Unfortunately, once Tebow got into school, he didn't always get the position he wanted in football. He started at quarterback in junior high and did great, but as he got to high school, his coaches tried him at running back, linebacker, fullback, and tight end. All Tebow wanted was to play quarterback, but decided that he must trust his coaches. One day, his coach came to the house to talk to his father about a position change and his father straight up told the coach that if that was the case, Tebow would be playing for a different team. That was what came out of it, too. Tebow's family moved to a different school so that Tebow could become a quarterback.

There was a lot of information that I got from my reading, but couldn't quite remember everything. I did find out a lot more about why Tebow is the way he is today. His parents supported him 100% and gave him the opportunities he needed to succeed. The Tebow family is very strong and supportive of each other.

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