Thursday, December 15, 2011

Reading CAN Be Fun!

This semester has made me do something that I haven't done since high school, read a book. I used to like reading as a kid, but when I got to junior high, I had a teacher that absolutely ruined reading for me. She gave us books that we all completely hated! That was when I decided that I didn't like reading anymore and that mentality carried on until this semester.

Then I took Content Area Literacy with Michelle Adler. She gave us an assignment over the semester to read a book for ninety minutes a week and blog about it. Wait, what? Read? For the whole semester?! Not exactly what I was hoping to do for the semester.

Lucky for me, I knew that my dad had "Quiet Strength" by Tony Dungy. I figured if I read at all, it should probably be that book. My dad had already read it and said it was a great combination of football and spirituality. Ok, I figured I could handle that.

As I started reading, I realized that I was really liking the book. There were some days that I would read more than I needed. I was actually enjoying reading! I blogged about it and realized that I kind of like to share my thoughts on stuff like this. I already had a blog, but this assignment made me use it more often.

I finished "Quiet Strength" and began reading "Through My Eyes" by Tim Tebow. I've been really interested in this book and wanted to start reading it almost as soon as I got it. I never thought that someday I'd be reading a book for my own pleasure. Oh how the times have changed.

The semester is over and I'm done with CAL. However, I'm not done reading. I'm still reading "Through My Eyes" and have actually asked for a couple books for Christmas. That's something I haven't done since I was a kid. This class has been good for me to open up to books again. I had completely shut them out until I found out I had to read for a grade.

Michelle, thank you for forcing us to read. It's been a great to get my nose back into a book and enjoy it. I definitely think you should continue this assignment for classes to come. Maybe more P.E. majors will open back up to reading!

1 comment:

  1. I am sitting here with a big grin on my face, and more committed than ever to helping you all regain your footing in the reading world. I so appreicate your words, but mostly I appreciate your honesty. I do hope you keep blogging - you really have a way of expressing yourself that is interesting and engaging. This is the kind of stuff that kids can read and see what kind of guy you are, what you stand for, and see a more complete picture of you. Good luck as you move forward - and I hope the reading continues to inspire you!
